Class is open to all levels. We will stretch and flow at the end of the day to relax our bodies and prepare for a great nights sleep.
If you are pregnant please check with your doctor before signing up. This class is best suited to the time in your first trimester only. For anyone postpartum mummies, it is advised you join after your 6 or 12 week checkup. After you have started some pelvic floor exercises too - usually 1-2 months postpartum is a great time to get back into a routine. But please reach out to me if you are ready sooner.
By signing up you are agreeing releases (Movement with Sophie) from all liability relating to injuries that may occur (during Park Yoga in 2024). By booking into the class you agree to Movement with Sophie entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries that could incur. Booking class also declares your ability to engage in physical activity.